The Shows We Do

The Whale Fat Follies: All New for 2019 !
The "Whale Fat Follies" is the most extravagant Alaskan multi-media musical comedy ever staged, and features what Alaskans like best--Vicious political satire set to a happy toe-tapping beat.
"Christmas In Spenard" is an All-Alaskan spectacular that combines two hours of the same snotty attitude toward Alaska with three minutes of warm fuzzy Holiday fluff.
There's an almost live band, stunning singers and dancers, over 800 awe-inspiring images of Alaskan stupidity, and a costume budget of over Thirty-five Dollars!
The "Whale Fat Follies" and "Christmas In Spenard" originally ran for 21 years at Mr. Whitekeys' Fly By Night Club, and this year's shows are the shortest runs ever.
A tantalizing menu of fresh, tasty, American comfort cuisine and adult beverages is available. It's like real dinner theater except that "fresh seasonal vegetables" might mean Pumpkin Flavored Ale.
Joining Mr. Whitekeys on stage is an All Star Cast including chanteuse Miss Regina MacDonald, the hilarious Cameron Morrison, "Mudflats" Morgan Welch, "Salmon" Patti Greene and Jamison Morrison.
It all happens at The Hard Rock Cafe- in Downtown Anchorage. When the Legislature moved from Downtown to Spenard, the area got too sleazy even for us, so we moved to Downtown where we feel safe again.
Christmas In Spenard
The Whale Fat Follies 2019
The Farewell Tour was
June 24--August 14, 2019
The Alaskan Shows the Department of Tourism does NOT want you to see!

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The Good News is, The Whale Fat Follies is Back!
The Bad News is, The Whale Fat Follies is Back!

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